woensdag 19 februari 2014

Ours is the only civilization in history which has enshrined mediocrity as its national ideal. *)

The world isn't kind to mavericks Bill, 
you want to lead an unconventional life, 
you gotta learn to hide in plain sight. 
Barton Scully - Masters of Sex **)

This post has been brewing for a few months now.

The word "special" (or its Flemish nominalisation to describe a person - specialleke - note the diminutive) has given me some food for thought of late. 
I heard it to describe me choosing my spectacles, because they're constructed upside down, "Your glasses are different - but of course you chose them as you're a special person."
It's been used to comment on my craft projects, "Always something special, huh? It looks difficult!"
I've been told that my recent life changes also mark me as special.

So, what is it?
A compliment?
An expression of annoyance?
A warning?
A sign of the new Biedermeier / Victorian Age?

Dare I ask the next person's motivation for using that word, or will that be perceived as something only a specialleke would ask?

I have been invisible for too long to content myself with mediocrity.

*) The Moviegoer (1961) by Walker Percy 
**) "I think one of the daring aspects of the show is how Beau Bridges has been portrayed as a fully rounded man who is a closeted gay, who is living a lie in one sense and yet seems to be an all-American success story. This has never been portrayed on TV like that. I think Beau has been amazing. At age 72, with all of his accomplishments, to take on such a complicated role that is breaking so many taboos is extraordinary. He has my everlasting gratitude." Thomas Maier, author of Masters of Sex

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